Permanent MakeUp

We offer microblading as well as manual and machine shading, also known as powder brows.

We also offer Pixel blade eyeliner. This method is virtually painless.

Post Care & Pre-Care

We will go over specific recommendations for your unique treatment, but the following do’s and don’ts are a great start to keep your skin healthy and your treatments effective.

Before Your Visit

  • Hydrate! Being well-hydrated is essential for a successful treatment, so drink up for a few days before your appointment.
  • Keep your skin moisturized with a simple facial moisturizer or body lotion.
  • Come to your appointment clean and fresh.
  • Don’t wear makeup (for face work)
  • If you use retinols or other harsh ingredients in your skincare, take a break at least 3 weeks before your facial treatment.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine directly before your treatment. These dehydrate your skin and may make you more sensitive to pain.
  • If you have any medical conditions that impact your skin, heart, blood, or hair, or if you are pregnant, please consult your physician before coming for any kind of treatment.
  • Avoid Sun as we cannot work on sunburned skin.

After Your Visit

  • Apply a cold compress to soothe swelling and redness if needed.
  • Stay out of the sun for as least 6 weeks.
  • Avoid rubbing, scratching, or picking at the treated area. It’s normal for small scabs or crusts to appear after permeant makeup or fibroblast. Don’t pick at or remove the scabs, as doing so prematurely can cause the ink to come out and scarring. They will go away on their own during the healing process.
  • Do not use strong/active skincare ingredients after facial treatment for at least 7 days.
  • Follow any and all aftercare advice given to you following your appointment and only use aftercare products that are advised from the technician.
  • Be aware of signs of infection and reach out to your primary care doctor if you think you may have one.